

About the Illustrator

Lee Xin Li is an independent illustrator based in Singapore. He graduated with an architecture degree from the National University of Singapore. Xin Li often draws his inspiration from the environment he grew up in such as the culture, food, architecture and history he has encountered. Some of the notable works include the Kueh series and Peta Singapura.

Xin Li is a big fan of Herge’s Adventures of Tin Tin as well as Guy Delisle’s travel chronicles which motivated him into drawing in 2013. Besides illustration, he is an avid fan of the air force, loves travelling, tasting new flavors and appreciating art and architecture.



从小善于绘画的李欣立,喜欢阅读盖‧德利斯勒的漫画作品与埃尔热的《丁丁历险记》。他用漫画手法画出实里达、梁宙、德光岛等富有特别意义的地点。欣立也常常描画空军,建筑物和本地文化与历史有关的主题比如《粿》和《Peta Singapura》。

身为一位新加坡国立大学建筑系毕业生,他喜欢通过画笔,还原已消失的国家剧场和大世界等场所。他在写实中,融入漫画的绘画风格,同时把新旧事物放在同一幅画中,展现强烈的对比与新加坡的变迁。欣立在2015年把这系列的作品编译成了一本书:《Sayang Singapura》